
An Option for Cremated Remains

As for interments, the Denman Island Memorial Society (DIMS) is responsible for ensuring that the required documentation is in place for the scattering of cremated remains in the Cemetery and that the activity is carried out in a suitable manner. These procedures are described in the DIMS Cemetery Bylaws. Also see the Scattering Area.

For cremated remains to be scattered in the Cemetery, the legal representative of the deceased must complete and submit to the Cemetery Manager (or a DIMS Board member) a copy of the Authorization to Allow Scattering, using the form provided by DIMS. Upon receipt of this form, the Manager (or Board member) will issue a Permission to Scatter. Scattering should not proceed without this document.

Scattering Area

At the time when the Permission to Scatter is issued, the Manager (or Board member) will outline the procedures for scattering. Families and friends should stay on the paths in the Scattering Area, except for when the ashes are being distributed. The scattering process should not disturb the forest floor, and scattered remains may be covered with dried leaves and other compostable materials supplied for this purpose. The Manager (or Board member) will assist the family in choosing a suitable spot and planning for the scattering.

No markers are used in the Scattering Area. Families wanting some form of memorialization are asked to purchase a plaque to be affixed to one of the memorial structures in the Gathering Space.